Stillhouse Junkies and Gilbert Louie Ray at the Mint - $10

Wednesday, February 8th @8pm ($10)

The Stillhouse Junkies are a force. Their brand of bluegrass is driving, melodic, and progressive. Cody Tinnin, the bass player of the trio is also a fantastic old-time fiddle and banjo player (and a proper fly fisherman). I was lucky enough to jam at his place in Durango last summer when I was on tour with Bar Jay Bar and when we walked in the door, Cody had a SlO County Stumblers album on the piano. I knew we were in good company.

Fred Kosak is one of a very few sponsored Yamaha bluegrass players. He is an accomplished flat-picker that also rips on mandolin.

Alissa Wolf is a real treat. Her fiddle has that fun shuffle when she’s playing a dance tune for old time but can switch effortlessly to blazing melodic bluegrass runs. She’s a technical heavy-hitter but also has groove, the best kind of fiddler in my opinion. One of the best jams I’ve had was with Alissa, Korey Simeone (of Ike’s Creek), Kenny Feinstein (of Watertower) and Cody Tinnin raging quad fiddles on “Chinquapin Hunting” by the fire after their performance here in Echo Park last year. Watch video clips of that performance and jam by clicking below:

Stillhouse Junkies (Echo Park 2021)

This will be their second trip ever to LA, let’s make them feel welcome!